We are pleased to announce that Camino Bakery in Winston-Salem, NC, will be hosting a show featuring photography from the production of Travel Light for the month of July! Prints and postcards will be available for purchase, all proceeds benefitting post production. Stop by July 1st from 5-6pm for a reception with crew members!!
Check Your Mail...
Reynolda Film Festival Announcement!
More exciting news from the Travel Light team! We have just cemented a partnership with the wonderful folks of the Reynolda Film Festival. This is different from our other business sponsors thus far - as a part of our Reynolda Partnership, crew members of Travel Light. will be giving a presentation on the film followed by a Q & A on Thursday, April 4th, from 6 to 7pm. The presentation will be followed by by a meet and greet.
When complete, we'll be bringing the film-in-progress to the Reynolda Film Festival, workshopping scenes and talking about the production from the other side.
This is incredibly exciting for us as an opportunity to help give back to the film community in Winston-Salem, and opening new conversations about our film and filmmaking in general. Reynolda has been more than generous in their offer to partner with us, and we're thrilled to see where this partnership goes as production moves along. They will be one of the first venues we present a cut of the final film, and we're honored to have that opportunity.
We'll keep you all posted on when these events start happening. In the meantime, check out the
this year and let them know you appreciate their support of independent film!
New Sponsors & Our Upcoming Fundraiser!
Really exciting news from the Travel Light team today - we're thrilled to announce not one, but two new business sponsors and an upcoming local fundraising event we'll be hosting with them in Winston-Salem, NC.
On March 20th (that's next Wednesday guys, so pencil it into your calendars) Camino Bakery and Aperture Cinema will be holding a joint fundraiser for our team and film. There will be a free Spanish wine tasting at the bakery from 5pm - 7pm that day, and our team will receive 10% of anything purchased during that time if you mention Travel Light. We'll also have an information table set up there where you can meet some of us, find out more about our film and our Kickstarter campaign, and even just hang out if you want.
That same day, Aperture Cinema will be hosting a free screening of our previous works. If you're unfamiliar with Winston-Salem, the bakery and theater are quite literally right across the street from each other, so this is a fantastic chance to enjoy a great night on the town for very little cost. Anything you do decide to spend at the bakery - your coffee, a bottle of wine, your scone - has the double-punch of helping a local independent business, as well as a local independent film. It literally cannot get better than that.
We've been going to Camino Bakery and Aperture for years now, and it means a lot that these businesses are getting behind us to help push our film forward. There's a lot to be proud of with the growth of small businesses in our wonderful North Carolina town, and we're excited to help be a small part of it.
So if you're in the area, please, come out and support us! Explore some of our favorite local places, have some wine and watch some films, and continue supporting the growth of independent enterprise in North Carolina. It means a lot.
Thanks and love,
The Travel Light team
Kickstarter Update!
Hello, friends! Just a quick update on our Kickstarter fundraising so far. As you well know, we started the campaign fifteen days ago, leaving us now with only 25 days until completion. We've raised just over 25% of our goal, which is fantastic! It's incredible that people are getting behind this project enough to even get us there.
But we've kind of been lingering at the 25% mark for a while now, and could really use the push to help us get over this plateau and keep climbing. Instead of focusing entirely on the large goal at hand, we're going to take today to focus on smaller bits and pieces that could really make all the difference. Today, we ask that you consider helping us with only $10 towards our Kickstarter. We're aiming to get one hundred people behind us with ten dollars each, a fantastic push that would raise a total $1,000 in a single day!
While we are incredibly grateful for the backers who have helped in large ways, today is about how far just $10 can take this project. You don't have to have gobs of money in order to support our project on the Camino. While it may feel like so little, this goal is all about realizing that what feels like a small donation can really or break this project. We need everyone who things this is a good idea, who wants to support us and help make this film. The amount of money isn't what matters. Today is about the act. If you've been waiting to join our backers, today's your day!
Thanks again to all our dear friends, and especially to those who hardly know us at all. We keep pushing towards this because of you.
New Business Sponsor Announcement
Ladies and gentlemen, We are thrilled to announce our first official business sponsorship with the NoDa Brewing Company of Charlotte, North Carolina.
NoDa is a home-grown microbrewery that crafts small-batch premium beers, sold primarily in local restaurants. They also have their own tap room, where they debut a new beer every Tuesday for anyone to come in and taste. If you're in the Charlotte area and haven't stopped by yet, we really recommend the visit.
NoDa has been full of fantastic, helpful people as we've gone through talks of sponsorship with them this past week, and their support is going to help push our fundraising once the Kickstarter campaign wraps up. Financially speaking, this is incredibly important. A successful Kickstarter campaign is our first huge milestone, but we know we're going to need help beyond that to make our total budget goal.
On April 25th, NoDa will be hosting a fundraiser for us at their brewery. We'll start selling tickets online very soon for the event, each ticket including a pint and brewery tour, with live music and a silent auction. More details coming soon as we set up the online ticket purchase system.
We're very excited to be working with NoDa on this, and to have them on our sponsorship team. Hopefully we'll see some of you wonderful people there in April!
Kickstarter Launch!
Ladies and gentlemen,
We're officially kicking off our first public funding campaign this morning. After several months of behind-the-scenes work by our tiny, crazy team, we've got our Kickstarter campaign ready for everyone to see. It's got a video! It's got pictures! There's some writing, and a whole lot of pretty awesome backer rewards!
We're really proud of this project so far, and we believe that using crowdfunding as a major means of support is integral to the kind of film we're making. This film doesn't belong just to the six of us making it, but rather it belongs to every person who's story touches it in any way. This includes the stories of the people helping us financially. By being a Kickstarter backer, you're becoming a necessary part of our film, and expanding its reach beyond what six individual crew members could ever hope for.
You'll notice that our Paypal donation button has disappeared, to be replaced with a link to Kickstarter. While the campaign is running, we've turned off Paypal donations to encourage anyone who wants to donate to do so through Kickstarter. Not only will that help us reach our goal, you also get great rewards, and everybody wins.
As you might know, Kickstarter works on the basis that if the funding goal isn't raised by the end date, the funding fails and no money is given out. This is great for you as backers, because it means you'll only be giving away your money if we're successful in funding. On the flip side, this means that we need all the help we can get reaching towards (and hopefully beyond) our goal of $10,000.
If you want to support the project, if you're backing it and want to help us grow the Travel Light community even further, even if you can't afford a financial donation but still like the idea of the film, we would love for you to help us by spreading the word of our film and our Kickstarter. Tell your friends, your co-workers, the guy at the coffee shop or the girl at the bookstore.
We're only as strong as the people we have behind us. This is in your hands, now.
And we can't wait to see what happens.